

  1. 玉米病虫害生物防治制剂研制技术.

  2. 中国玉米弯孢叶斑病菌致病性分化相关蛋白质组研究.

  3. 玉米自交系与弯孢菌叶斑病菌非亲合性互作的蛋白质组学研究.

  4. 循环型生态农业示范园.

  5. 设施蔬菜病害生物防治技术研究.

  6. 木霉菌变异株抑草素鉴定与相关基因分析.

  7. 上海地区主要花卉品种病虫害发生基础调查与新病原鉴定.


  1. Chen Jie ,Zhuang Jinhua ,Gao Zenggui;A preparation method of Trichoderma chlamydospores;专利号:ZL 2004 1 0025682.8.

  2. Zhuang Jinhua , Chen Jie, Gao Zenggui;A preparation method of biocontrol agent with multi-functions;专利号:ZL 2004 1 0021080.5.

  3. Chen Jie, Tong Baohong, Cheng Genwu,Zhuang Jinhua;A method to induce eggplant resistance to Verticillium wilt;专利号:ZL200510028698.9.

  4. Zhuang Jinhua, Chen Jie, Yong Changcheng ,Gao Zenggui;Preparation and application method of Trichoderma conidia powder;专利号:ZL2007 10010263.0.


  1. Rui-yan Sun·ZHI-cheng LIU·Jie CHEN* Trichoderma biodiversity in China,Journal of Applied Genetics(2012 in press).

  2. Construction of transgenic Trichoderma koningi with chit42 of Metarhizium anisopliae and analysis of its activity against the Asian corn borer.Journal of Environmental Science and Health.

  3. a transcription factor which regulate high affinity cooper transport in Trichoderma resee.Kehe Fu LiLi fan Yingying Li Shigang Gao Jie Chen.Microbioloigcal Research.

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